by Christian Jirard Zara Custodio, 𝚽2019A
August ushered in the turning of the seasons, yet undaunted by the cold of the night, the brothers of the Phi Kappa Mu gathered once again to revel in the warmth of fellowship. It has been another year. The fraternity had stood witness to roughly eighty-six years of Excellence, Leadership, Service, and Brotherhood which permeates to the new generation. Though times have changed, the fervent bond between brothers have not. Men from the most venerable fold reunited with their kin — the hearts of both young and well-seasoned yearned to forge a link that would surmount whatever age, whatever distance, in between them. That night, as the sky grew darker, the radiance of the Phi Kappa Mu illuminated one more milestone towards a hundred years of its legacy.

The celebration of the 86th annual Foundation Stag was graced at the 101 Madison Tower Skydeck on August 17, 2019, and it was hosted by brod Enrico Paolo Chiong Banzuela 𝚽2000. A banquet was served with a sumptuous bounty like harvest in the spring. Even before the commencement of the program brods were already full — with appetizers shared on the side of vibrant stories brought along by the senior brothers coming home to the fraternity from their own respective practices. Welcoming them back is never a wearisome task, especially to Venerable Preceptor Zadkiel Flores Velasquez 𝚽2017B who delivered the welcoming remarks.

With ice-cold beers in hand, brothers exchanged hilarious accounts, fostered counsel, and cultivated ideas for personal and fraternal growth. The night quickly evolved into a merry riot as the brods have more than warmed up to each other. Even by the time dinner was upon their table, there was no interrupting brothers well-engaged in conversation. Mutual respect was catered to every member of the venerable fold manifest in the reciprocal smiles on their faces.

Opportunities like this is granted attention by all members of the fraternity, resident and alumni brothers alike. As leaves retire from their branches in lieu for new ones, so do the officers of the Phi Kappa Mu Alumni Association whose new candidates were introduced to the body. Not long after, the Phi band took stewardship of revelry for the rest of the night, uniting everyone through music and also bearing testament to an enduring passion.

The Foundation Stag is a steadfast tradition. It is an exhibition of fervent brotherhood which is unwavering unlike the seasons in a year, yet unobstructed from growth. A boundless, dauntless legacy — that is the Phi Kappa Mu.