By Anwell Joaquin Mella Aznar Φ2023
A new era soars into existence as the newest brothers of the Phi Kappa Mu Fraternity are formally introduced. On the 19th day of August 2023, thirteen individuals stood unwavering within the halls of Casino Español de Manila as they were finally inducted into the Most Venerable Fold. These brothers are much like the uncontrollable winds of nature that symbolize movement, unity, harmony, and steadfastness in the face of adversity. Just as a jet’s engine roars to life on the runway, Phi Batch 2023: Zephyr proudly showcased their gears and set themselves ready for their takeoff into the Fraternity.

This year’s Induction Ball kicked off the Fraternity’s 90th year anniversary. The foyer boasted its exhibit that is marvelously crafted as an aircraft hangar featuring photographs of the inductee batch, the Golden Jubilarian batch – PHI 1973, and the Silver Jubilarian batch – PHI 1998 (Spoliarium). This edifice stood as a testament to the enduring brotherhood of the Fraternity, carrying her legacy forward to future generations.
There’s no better way to start the evening than with a gracious greeting from the delightful hosts, Justin Matthew Rapanut Lapastora Φ2023 and Pierre Angelo Lachica Aliño Φ2022. This was soon followed by an invocation led by Fred Lawrence Delantar Samante Φ2023 and Allen Rafie Tan Najar Φ2019B. A few moments of silence were given to honor the dearest brothers who have departed this past year. Although they have passed on, their legacies and memories of their brotherhood shall forever endure.

The program officially commenced as Superior Exemplar, Vince Justin Uy Tiu Φ2019B SE 2023-2024, took center stage to deliver a heartfelt and resounding address. With unyielding charisma and eloquence, he warmly welcomed not only the cherished brods but also the esteemed guests who had gathered to partake in this momentous occasion. His words were more than just a traditional welcome; they were a reaffirmation of values, camaraderie, and enduring bond that define the Fraternity.
The evening’s dinner was a feast, with brods and guests savoring a delectable spread in a splendidly decorated setting. Laughter and lively conversations filled the room, creating an atmosphere of shared pleasure. It was a moment of unity, where the bonds of brotherhood resonated throughout the night.
In the ensuing segment of the program, the outstanding graduates of UPCM Class of 2023 were recognized – Federico Cristobal Carcellar De Jesus II Φ2014, Angelo Riel Camacho Limbo Φ2015, Raphael Angelo Enriquez Quevedo Φ2017A, Jasper Ian Amparo Alindayu Φ2019A, Miguel Vicente Tumaliwan Belizario Φ2019A, Jose Manuel Ricardo Morato Conjares Φ2019A, Ignatius Dominic Pamittan Cumigad Φ2019A, Carlos Policarpio Dela Cuesta Φ2019A, Daniel Alexander De Joya Go Φ2019A, Reynaldo Gabriel Tan Paulino Φ2019A, Denzel Cruz Umerez Φ2019A SE 2022-2023, and Karl Gerard Reyes Crisostomo Φ2019B. Each name called bore witness to their resilience, hard work, and life long commitment to the arduous journey of medicine.

Brod Constantino Tocong Castillo III Φ1991 SE 1995-1996, President of the Phi Kappa Mu Alumni Association, gave an address that transcended mere words as he recalled the rich history of the Fraternity. His words were a call to action to uphold the noble traditions and continue striving for excellence, ensuring that the legacy of Phi Kappa Mu endures for generations to come. Brod Rommel Uy Adajar Φ1990B, President of the Phi Kappa Mu International, virtually addressed the audience and extended his heartfelt greetings to the latest additions of the Fraternity.

Moving on to one of the remarkable moments of the evening, Phi Batch 2023: Zephyr presented their batch video where each member of the batch appeared one by one, stepping into their Top Gun-inspired attire with an air of confidence and determination. Reminiscent of a squadron of thirteen elite fighter pilots, Kevin Lloyd Bedico Aboy Φ2023, John Christopher Cabrera Agbayani Φ2023, Joel Francis Maniego Atienza Φ2023, Anwell Joaquin Mella Aznar Φ2023, Mark Isaiah Nicolasora Baligod Φ2023, Matthew Alywn Dorotan Co Φ2023, Garret Royce Kho Dychiao Φ2023, Sheridan Cartagena Guico Φ2023, Justin Matthew Rapanut Lapastora Φ2023, Arvin John Sumalabe Malapo Φ2023, Rommel Lumbao Quintal Φ2023, Raphael Tobias Ramiso Φ2023, and Fred Lawrence Delantar Samante Φ2023 displayed their forged unity and relentless spirit as their Brother Prior Audric Charles Gacutan Liwag Φ2019B presented them to the brothers of the Phi Kappa Mu.
Two inductees from Phi Batch 2022: Ocean’s 16, Jendrietch Adrian Tabamo Lopez Φ2022, the current Brother Custodian, and Karl Ian Hernandez Maliwat Φ2022, were also called up on stage by their Brother Prior, Vince Justin Uy Tiu Φ2019B SE 2023-2024. Immediately thereafter, the formal induction rites followed, officially inducting all fifteen individuals into the Most Venerable Fold.
John Christopher Cabrera Agbayani Φ2023 and Pierre Angelo Lachica Aliño Φ2022 ushered in the second half of the program by inviting on stage the Symphony Rhythm Strings. The musical ensemble enchanted the guests with captivating melodies and ensured a night that is worth remembering.

The induction ball would not be complete without the celebration of the Golden and Silver Jubilarians, Phi Batch 1973 and Phi Batch 1998 – Spoliarium, for their outstanding loyalty and service to the fraternity. Brod Ronaldo Aspillaga Paraan Φ1973 delivered a brief speech on behalf of the Golden Jubilarians, with the presence of Edgardo Guillermo Gonzales Φ1973.

On behalf of the Silver Jubilarians, Eduard Malaca Alfanta Φ1998 recalled their 25 years of brotherhood in PHI, along with Jose Carlos Cantillo Estil, Jr. Φ1998. The jubilarians received plaques in honor of their outstanding contributions.

As the program neared its conclusion, due recognition was given to the 89th Executive Council for their invaluable contributions during the past fraternal year. The mantles were then passed on to the 90th Executive Council: Superior Exemplar Vince Justin Uy Tiu Φ2019B SE 2023-2024, Vice Superior Exemplar Jerico Mari Causing Manlapid Φ2021, Brother Prior Franco Guillermo Se Rondain Φ2022, Standard Bearer Franced Haggai Gamboa Nidar Φ2022, Venerable Preceptor Pocholo Miguel Villaruel Ilao Φ2022, Brother Custodian Jendrietch Adrian Tabamo Lopez Φ2022, Brother Scribe Jose Alfonso Cosico Madroño Φ2022, Senior Guardian of the Temple Ray Angelo Barbiran Monje Φ2022, Brother Recorder Kevin Lloyd Bedico Aboy Φ2023, and Junior Guardian of the Temple Sheridan Cartagena Guico Φ2023. This significant transition marked a symbolic shift in the Fraternity’s leadership, providing an opportunity to reflect on past achievements while anticipating the journey that lies ahead.

To bring the night of jubilation to an end, the batch leader of Phi Batch 2023: Zephyr, Kevin Lloyd Bedico Aboy Φ2023, delivered his closing remarks. Venerable Preceptor Pocholo Miguel Villaruel Ilao Φ2022 then extended his acknowledgements to the alumni brods who graced the evening with their presence. As the clinking of glasses resonated through the room, it marked the perfect culmination of a remarkable night, leaving everyone with the indelible memories of a truly special occasion filled with the essence of brotherhood and camaraderie.