By Jendrietch Adrian Tabamo Lopez Φ2022
Last September 2, over a hundred medical students from the latest batch of the UP College of Medicine snuck in to join the biggest heist yet in Disorientation: Declassified. In this awaited yearly LU3 orientation, the Phi Kappa Mu Fraternity and the Phi Lambda Sorority welcomed the newest teams of students before being dispatched to their first mission in medical school.
Much like the previous years, Disorientation was always the perfect avenue for Phi brods and sisses to cordially welcome the freshmen of the UP College of Medicine. Hosted by Franco Guillermo Se Rondain Φ2022 and Mariko Isabelle Pajarillo Galvez Φ2022, the event had the eager participants await for the thrill of class module orientations and the energizing games. Before diving head first into the fray of the mission, the Phi upperclassmen provided a brief insight about the modules tackled during the first semester and shared how to best approach each one in an online setup.

For the immediate upcoming modules, the LU3 participants were briefed with crucial course overviews and invaluable study strategies devised by the personal experiences of the brods and sisses. The event was never short of personal recollections and enlightening pieces of advice about the intricacies of online medical school. It brilliantly covered all the must-knows for LU3, instilling an invigorating spirit that is very much needed before deploying into the first year in the College of Medicine. Remaining faithful to the lively spirit of Disorientation, different games containing basic yet key concepts were held to further create an uplifting atmosphere for everyone. The countless smiles and laughter made throughout the various games contributed into making the event truly unforgettable. Among all the participating teams, Teams Mission Impossible and Jason Bourne came up on top, bagging additional entries for the grand raffle prize for this year’s Disorientation.

In order to further guarantee mission success with the operatives, amazing prizes that would surely be helpful for the school year ahead were awarded to some of the luckiest Disorientation attendees. These included two vouchers worth ₱500 and two Ultimate Neurology Kits both from the Phi Store, two Baxtel Sphygmomanometer, and two 3M™ Littmann Stethoscopes. While the first year of medical school can be filled with unpredictability, Disorientation continues to strive as the premiere event that quells the apprehensions and worries while simultaneously passing on invaluable insights that moves towards quite exhilarating directions. Guided by the tenet of Phi Excellence, the Phi Kappa Mu Fraternity and Phi Lambda Delta Sorority continue their vow to guide the newest generation of passionate future physicians towards further success.